Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate


Click HERE for our 'child speak' Online Safety Leaflet

E-Safety at St Gregory's Catholic Academy

St Gregory's Catholic Academy recognises the value of utilising computing systems to support and facilitate learning. The school  Online Safety Policy outlines the steps taken and procedures that are in place to help to safeguard members of the school community when accessing computing systems. This policy operates in conjunction with other school policies including the behaviour, bullying, curriculum, data protection and safeguarding policies.

The use of computing systems is monitored throughout the school.


KS1 E-Safety Rules:

- I only use the Internet when an adult is with me

- I can click on the buttons or links when I know what they do

- I can search within websites chosen by an adult

- I always ask if i get lost on the Internet

- I will report anything that I see that worries me to an adult


KS2 E-Safety Rules:

- I only use the Internet if I have permission

- I will tell an adult if I see anything that makes me uncomfortable

- I will think carefully about whom I am e-mailing and what I am saying

- I will send and post messages and comments that are polite and friendly.

- I will never give out passwords or personal information

- I will ask an adult before opening e-mails sent by anyone I do not know

- I will never arrange to meet anyone new that I have only chatted with on-line


If you have any questions regarding Online Safety, please make an appointment to see Mr Burrows (Computing & Online Safety Leader) at the office.


Useful Websites:

Online Safety - keeping children safe online

Internet Matters - an independent, not-for-profit organisation to help parents keep their children safe online

Whisper - an anonymous online reporting system

Parent Info from CEOP - E-safety information for parents and carers

Safer Internet - Social media safety information for parents and carers

Think U Know - Information on how to keep children safe online

Gaming information for parents - Information about online games

Parents' Guide to Technology - Information about technology and safety issues

Setting up Parental Controls - Information about how to set up parental controls on your home broadband - Information about apps. 

Question Prompts - Question prompts to support discussions with children about their usage of the internet.



Useful Documents

Online Safety Policy

Acceptable Use Policy KS1

Acceptable Use Policy KS2

Digital and Video Images Agreement

Autumn 1 Digital Update

Childnet Parent Leaflet